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Grades 3 & 4

Click the book title for a link to order!

Curriculum listed below is  to be ordered by individual families before the start of the school year. This is a separate curriculum cost from the resources to be ordered by AFLC and prices may vary depending on which websites you choose to order from. This list is solely the parents responsibility to purchase. This curriculum is done both
at home and on-campus.



Foundation Series by Not Consumed​

Old Testament, New Testament, Immeasurable Treasure, Strong Roots, & Rock of Salvation

**Make sure you select Junior 8-12 option.



Math: Individual family choice

Families will be responsible for choosing and ordering their own math curriculum. Students will be working independently on-campus from their books.


The Good and The Beautiful Language Arts

 Level to be chosen by parents after first assessing their children at home.



The Good and  The Beautiful Handwriting

Level to be chosen by parents. Level 3 introduces cursive handwriting.



God's Design For the Physical World

  Learning about God’s amazing world through the study of machines, motion, energy, and technology!

*The textbook will be used on-campus but the teacher guidebook purchase is optional for use only at home.


Elementary World History​

A fascinating overview of world history from Creation to modern times! This class 

will be complemented with Art through history lessons as well.









The curricula listed below is to be compiled and printed by AFLC.   There will be a $40 supply fee added to your first invoice. 

Geography- Continents & Culture

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